Shine A Light
You are the light of the world, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14

Monroe SAL
All SAL Members are required to take two ballet technique classes, conditioning, jazz, pointe/pre-pointe at their home studio along with Worship and repertoire at our main Jefferson studio on Saturdays.
Trainee min age: 9
(they must receive their pointe shoes in the Trainee Division)
Company min age: 5th grade
(All company dancers must have their pointe shoes)

Jefferson SAL
All SAL Members are required to take two ballet technique classes, conditioning, jazz, pointe/pre-pointe at their home studio along with Worship and repertoire at our main Jefferson studio on Saturdays.
Trainee min age: 9
(they must receive their pointe shoes in the Trainee Division)
Company min age: 5th grade
(All company dancers must have their pointe shoes)

Shine A Light: Night of Worship
Our annual Night of Worship! Performed at Southside Church in July at the end of our Shine A Light Intensive. Ages 5-18 are invited to be apart! Be on the lookout for our Summer Registration to secure your spot.
Shine A Light 2023-2024
Company & Trainee Members