We are so thankful you are apart of our
We are so excited about this upcoming year at PGD! Please register for our 2025 SPRING Season! If you have questions regarding your ballerina's placement please email the studio.
Level 4/Trainee/Company: By invitation only. If your dancer is currently in these levels she is automatically invited.
Registration fees:
NO REGISTRATION FEE FOR PGD families. If you are new to the fam there is a one time fee of $35 to join.
Tuition Discounts:
For multiple classes we charge by the total minutes taken. So this applies automatic discounts.
Additional Fees:
Performance fee: $90 for first class. $80 for additional classes (split into multiple small payments)
Trainees/Company: Monthly Company dues. You will receive this breakdown upon registration.
Show dates for our Spring Production:
May 10-11 at Gas South Theatre
Scholarships are Available!
Ballet is our ministry here at PGD. If you are unable to financially commit to being apart here but your daughter dreams of dancing, we have scholarships available to make her dreams come true! Please email us to find out how to apply for the scholarship. We would still love to dance with her!
We have proudly partnered with Studio Dancewear Boutique for you to purchase all of your class needs! You can shop their website today by purchasing or pre-ordering any items that your dancer may need! Use Code: PGDancer for 10% OFF your entire purchase! You can also follow them on instagram @studiodancewearboutique for updates on sales they may have!
PGD Policies
Protocol for the unwell...
With regards to the state of our country being in the midst of a world wide pandemic, there are general protocol practices that we as a studio must deem as priority.
These standards include but are not limited to illnesses such as COVID-19.
If you (the enrolled dancer) or someone in your household has been diagnosed with a contagious illness (COVID-19, flu, stomach bug, strep, etc) we ask that you please refrain from class participation until otherwise considered non-contagious. If there are questions regarding proper isolation period, please refer to the CDC guidelines or request your practitioners guidance. www.cdc.com
Fever- if you (the enrolled dancer) have a fever due to any illness, you will need to be fever-free for 72 hours prior to returning to class.
Symptoms- if you (the enrolled dancer) have any symptoms of any contagious illness please refrain from attending class.
Office Protocols...
All concerns or questions will go directly to our office staff. In order to request a meeting with the staff, instructors, or director, an email with your specific questions or concerns are necessary before a meeting is scheduled. Office hours are given when a meeting is requested.